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Learn How To Pick A Good Air Purifier

You might have heard that indoor air pollution is worse than outdoor air pollution. Some might say it is twice as bad, and others might make it six or even eight times as bad.

The truth of statements like these is something of a mixed bag. Indoor air pollution and its severity varies depends on the location, internal environment, contributing factors, and what’s being done about it. In general, indoor air pollution is worse than outdoor air pollution, but how many times worse varies from one building to the next, and sometimes even room to room.

Indoor air pollution accumulates because people and pets bring things home with them. A lot of contaminants are on the bottom of their shoes or feet, but some can be in their clothes or on their jackets, and some might even just be on their umbrella, purse, or bag.

A lot of this winds up getting absorbed into carpet, fabrics, furniture, and even the walls, especially if there’s indoor smoking. All these surfaces retain the pollution and gather up more, whereas outdoor plants like grass, shrubs, flowers, and trees are all able to take it in and even turn it back into healthy oxygen.

Outdoor environments also have a lot more free air movement, but inside environments don’t. Fortunately, you can do something about it. You can clean regularly, add some indoor plants, and also get a good air purifier. While any air purifier can be an upgrade over having nothing at all, there are a handful of factors to consider when trying to figure out how to pick a good air purifier.

Room Size

Know the square footage of the room you want the air purified in. Not every air purifier can handle every size room. Sadly, not all list their effective square footage on their packaging, but many do. Fortunately, even small units tend to handle a room in a home rather well, but if you have an open floor plan, you might need something taller and bigger than will fit on a shelf or countertop.

Particular Pollutants

Are you looking at dust specifically? Perhaps pet dander? There are air purifiers that emphasize specific situations if you have one. On the other hand, if you’re just looking to generally improve the air quality, a generic model that handles 99 percent of all pollutants can do wonders for a room.

Ease Of Use

Some air purifiers are ‘self-cleaning’ whereas others might need blades wiped off once in awhile or even some kind of filter changed or tank emptied. The maintenance required is often minimal, and depending on the model and what it does for you, it might be worth it.

User Feedback

The reviews and critiques of previous customers are a goldmine of information that can tell you if the sales material and content are actually accurate and true. Amazon listings, if available, are great sources for such insights. Professional and independent consumer reviews from industry watchdogs are also useful.

Miscellaneous Factors

How much power will a certain model use? You’ll inevitably run up your power bill a little bit, so you have to decide if it’s worth it.

How much noise does it make while operating? Some might enjoy the white noise, especially knowing it’s making a room more healthy. Others might find it distracting.

How long will the unit last? It’s nice to have something that will last as long as you might live in your home.

Air purifiers are for sale in both big box retailers in your local community and online. Use the factors here to narrow down your search as you figure out which model is right for your needs and home.

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