There’s never a good time for your air conditioner to start causing problems. But you can bet your bottom dollar it will choose the most inconvenient time like the hottest day of the year, or Sunday evening. It’s wise to know the different types of problems that the system can have, and which ones can wait for a fix and which ones require finding AC fix as soon as possible.
Does an AC running constantly require an AC fix?
It can be concerning to notice that your AC seems to be running constantly. This doesn’t mean that on a very hot day, your AC shouldn’t run a bit more than usual. But if you notice that it’s running and having little impact on the temperature of the room, there could be a problem with the thermostat, the AC compressor, other electrical components of the machine, or even just a signal that it’s time to change the filter. Check the filter, and you can try turning the thermostat fan off. If it shuts down the machine, there might not be any big problems. If it doesn’t, it’s probably time to find AC fix.
What to do if your AC won’t turn on at all
If you notice that your AC hasn’t been running, and if the temperature inside of the room keeps climbing, you might have a situation on your hands. HVAC systems can trip a breaker, so if this is happening to you, you should check the breaker box first. If the circuit hasn’t been tripped, then there’s likely a problem with the machine that calls for finding an AC pro near you.
If you notice water leaks
Leaks are definitely a reason to call the professionals. The lines inside your unit can degrade over the life of the unit. This process can mean that eventually you’ll have a leak on your hands either of water from the unit’s condensation, or refrigerant—a chemical inside the machine that cools the air. If you notice any liquids leaking out of the AC, it’s a good bet that the machine is having problems and needs maintenance.
What if you smell something strange?
A properly working air conditioner shouldn’t produce any smells at all. So, if it is, that’s a signal that there might be something wrong. If you smell burning, it could signal an electrical problem in the machine and it should be turned off immediately. If what you smell is more musty, it could signal that it’s time to clean your ducts or that improper drainage has become a problem for the machine.